Log in and create your gallery

The Sistema Musei di Roma Capitale includes a wide range of museums and archaeological sites with great historical importance.
To organise a better tour, explore some of the artworks in more detail or create your special tours, please sign in, browse through the museums' permanent collections, select the artworks of your interest and, selecting the Add to your gallery button, enter your personal preferences.

If you are not registered at the moment, you can subscribe here: museiincomuneroma.it/en/user/register 

Follow this link to sign in: museiincomuneroma.it/user/login

Once registered here you can find your route: museiincomuneroma.it/en/collezioni/il_tuo_percorso 

The same account is valid for al the museums and the itinerary can also include artworks contained in different museums of the Sistema.

Explore the collections of the Sistema Musei di Roma Capitale!