Museo Civico di Zoologia
The Civic Museum of Zoology, founded in 1932, has about 5 million specimens preserved, ranging from mollusc shells of a few millimetres to a 16-metre whale. These collections are the result of an agreement with the then Royal University of Rome (today 'La Sapienza'), whose collections also included the valuable collections of the Pontifical Archiginnasio, and partly of donations made after its establishment. However, most of this immense patrimony is kept in special deposits, and is available to researchers who request to study them, or is exhibited on special occasions. The Museum is therefore a true Archive of Biodiversity, as well as a heritage for the whole of Europe.
The exhibition tour
The main theme of the exhibition is Biodiversity in the animal world. Through the Amori Bestiali, Vivere al Limite, the Barriera Corallina, the Zone Umide della Campagna Romana, the Arrigoni Degli Oddi Bird Collection, the Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles, through to the scenographic Salone degli Scheletri, the visitors can learn about the different animal species and understand their origins and their adaptations into the different conditions of their environment, using multimedia and multi-sensorial tools.
From Tuesday to Sunday from 9.00 to 19.00
24th and 31st December from 9.00 to 14.00
Last entrance one hour before closing
Closed on
Mondays, 1st May and 25th December
ALWAYS CHECK THE NOTICE PAGE before planning your museum visit
Address: via Ulisse Aldrovandi, 18
Information and reservations: 060608 every day from 9.00 to 19.00
> Ordinary ticket
Pre-purchase ONLINE, by calling the Call Centre 060608 or at the Museum ticket office (only for the following days and only by credit card) with pre-sale fee € 1. Same-day purchase without pre-sale fee:
- full price € 7,00
- reduced € 5,50
For residents in Roma Capitale and in the metropolitan area (by showing a valid document certifying residence):
- full price € 6,00
- reduced € 4,50
> Condizioni di gratuità e riduzioni
> Acquisto online
> Libreria