Orchestra MUSA Jazz in concerto

Musei in Comune,
Museo Nazionale Romano alle Terme di Diocleziano Aula X - Via Enrico de Nicola, 79

Concert in the framework of the "Musei in Musica 2011" series of events.

Orchestra MUSA Jazz in concert
Conductor: Silverio Cortesi
Brand new arrangements of Italian music, folk and international pop
An event by Sapienza Università di Roma

Please note: he concert is hosted in the Aula X of he Museum. All other halls of the museum will be closed and cannot be visited.


Place Musei in Comune
, Museo Nazionale Romano alle Terme di Diocleziano Aula X - Via Enrico de Nicola, 79
Opening hours

8.30 pm, 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm.
Please note: the program is subject to change without notice.

Entrance ticket

Free admission: on a first come, first served basis (subject to availability).


Info: tel. +39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)

Other information

Promoted by Roma Capitale - Assessorato alle Politiche Culturali e Centro Storico - Sovraintendenza ai Beni Culturali - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali

Web site
Zètema Progetto Cultura
Sponsored by

Banche tesoriere di Roma Capitale (BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas, Unicredit, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena)
Con il contributo della Camera di Commercio di Roma

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Musei in Comune